What is an Instagram pod ?
Maybe you heard about it. Instagram gurus saying how much it “will” help you get more engagement…
But you literally still have no idea what is it exactly.
Let me explain the science behind an Instagram pod.
Instagram pods are (usually) “niche-based”
What’s a niche ? To be simple, it’s a category. For example, the niche of traveling or the niche of female entrepreneurs…
Why is that ? Because the algorithm pushes the content that YOU like.
If you double-tap on more travel pictures than dogs pictures…Instagram will show you more travel pictures.
Let’s suppose 50 people in the travel niche like your pictures at the same time….
The algorithm will think that this is a great content since 50 people that love travel are liking it….
Then it will push your content more to other people that love to travel !
Unfortunately, that’s not always true. Read why Instagram pods are actually bad here.
Pods are (usually) on Telegram.
When you find someone that can get you into a pod, you’ll get a link to join a Telegram group.
You’ll be able to share the link of your last post and get it liked by everyone in the pods.
Why Telegram ? Most people believe that Instagram “shadowban” people that are using pods directly on the platform.
If you don’t know what’s a shadowban click here.
The rules are (usually) really strict.
When you’re part of a pod, you need to like a certain number of pictures per day, or sometimes ALL the pictures from the last 24 hours.
See, that might be a problem.
What if you don’t have time to like all the pictures but still want to post your link ?
You can’t, based on the rules.
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